“This is an opportunity for Katy to appeal to a new audience, and open up markets in countries around the world,” he said. The way Singh sees it, the momentum of a song such as “Con Calma” is re-routing the flow of influence and star power. “The streaming numbers speak for themselves,” said Simran Singh, Yankee’s attorney and business partner who helped broker the Perry collaboration. Yes-a Daddy Yankee me-a go reachin' out da top (What) Daddy Yankee: Con calma, yo quiero ver como ella lo menea Mueve ese poom-poom, girl (Girl) Es una asesina, cuando baila quiere que to' el mundo la vea I like your poom-poom, girl Snow: Con calma, ya' no say daddy me Snow me I go blame I like your poom-poom, girl 'Tective man a say, say. With “Con Calma,” he’s found another one. “We were already playing the single, but he still asked, ‘Do you think I should get an English collaboration?’ The song is sexy as is, but he’s always searching for that hit.” Official music video for Con Calma by Daddy Yankee and Snow. “Two months ago, I had a meeting with Yankee to talk ‘Con Calma,’ ” recalls Santos. Daddy Yankee & Snow: Con Calma: Directed by Marcelo Gama, Marlon P. Add in Spotify, Apple Music and the rest, and one can credibly make a case that Yankee is the biggest star on “Con Calma” right now. Se convirti en su video ms visto en YouTube, generando ms de 2.4 mil millones de visitas. The original “Con Calma” (and its Animoji dance video) has close to 800 million YouTube streams already, with the remix tacking on another 35 million so far. Snow se convirti en la Mejor Cancin Latina de 2019 y figur en el Top 10 de las canciones ms escuchadas a nivel mundial. Yankee, whose 2004 single “Gasolina” helped first popularize reggaeton, has billions of streams on YouTube alone.

Urbano’s prowess on streaming makes it a powerhouse any way you define it. Daddy Yankee & SnowCon Calma (Video Oficial)Subttulos Disponible Letra OficialEscucha en tu plataforma favorita:Spotify.